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Ez alatt a talán provokatív cím alatt, amely szándékoltan igyekszik Spengler történelemfilozófiai művének, A Nyugat alkonyának címét felidézni, egy igencsak nehéz kérdésre igyekszünk választ keresni. A kérdés így szól: ha igaz, hogy az euro-atlanti civilizáció fokozatosan háttérbe szorul az egyre dinamikusabban fejlődő Távol-Kelettel szemben, vajon mi lesz a sorsa a Nyugat római jogi alapú jogrendszereinek? A kérdés annál is inkább összetett, mert a Nyugat legalább két nagy (de inkább több) jogrendszert alakított ki. A két legjelentősebb az angolszász illetve az ún. kontinentális jogrendszer. Ezek jövőbeni sorsa természetesen eltérhet egymásétól.

A tanulmány eredetileg az Állam és Jugtudomány 2007/1. számában jelent meg (69-99. old).

by Jenő Szmodis

The study approaches the law – on the basis of Spengler’s historical philosophy – as a part and a product of culture. Its purpose is to figure out what could be the fate of the Western law in an East-dominated world. The study points out the ways in which the strongly form-central Roman law (disentangled from the medium of the Etruscan religion) has characterized the law of Western law (that was also influenced by Christian morality). As a result of secularization, the moral aspect pushed to the background, making a way for the idea of law as a self-worth (see the opinions relating to the positive law after this time). According to autor the legal aspect of conflict between Shylock and Antonio in Shakespeare’s The Mercant of Venice is a literary example of this process. Here, an ancient Roman story revived exactly when the West started leaving from a legal system which was based on the transcendence and it started approaching to a formal legal system that has Roman roots.

The study outlines as lex mercatoria, in the postmodern era, in the time of desintegration of national legal system, seeks to preserve essential values of our law, whereas the contractual practice of international firms often destroys those values. According to study, the East adopts certain elements – chiefly elements from the principles of equity – from the Western law with pleasure, while Eastern law domesticates formal solutions in its own legal culture. However, at the same time, it fills those solutions with its own legal approach by means of its specific legal thinking that is not detached from the morality. By way this practice, the East already makes an impact on Western law, especially through the customs of trade.

(in STUDIES IN LAW AND POLICY Journal of The Institute For Legal Studies of The Hungarian Academy of Sciences Vol. XLVIII. 2007/1. 69-99.)